Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life is so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now that you have seen the title you know what I will post about. So yeah, I have broken my wrist. That's my first unfairity, than I got boiling hot coffee spilled on me at school, and than just yesterday when I went with my mom to a cafe at 4 o'clock and at 5 we went to send a letter I tripped, either on my own feet or on the cobblestones and I scraped my left wrist and banged up my knee pretty bad, I was like, all right, it shouldn't get any worse now, but it did. As soon as I got home and was walking into the house and was closing the door to the hallway I banged my hip on the door and was so upset I just went to my room and started crying about the unfairness of life. And this morning I got up to see that I slept on my neck wrong and it hurts. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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