Monday, January 26, 2009


Well hello all! I am doing okay now but earlier I was in tears. I had gotten a 6 in my German dictation which is the worst grade you can get in Germany and a 1 is the best. I'm still getting a 3 in my report card in German, a 2,5 in French (which is by the way my third language that I am learning, so that I soon can add French to my list which contains German and English) and a 2-3 in Geography. I hope that I will get good grades in Math and English and Chemistry, Physics, PE, Computer class and Biology. I hope you all are doing fine and also, my arm is healing (I guess) 'cause it itches a lot. Blgh!!!!! I am glad it is healing but does it really have to itche all the time, I mean really. Well I gotta run! Bye!

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