Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life is so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now that you have seen the title you know what I will post about. So yeah, I have broken my wrist. That's my first unfairity, than I got boiling hot coffee spilled on me at school, and than just yesterday when I went with my mom to a cafe at 4 o'clock and at 5 we went to send a letter I tripped, either on my own feet or on the cobblestones and I scraped my left wrist and banged up my knee pretty bad, I was like, all right, it shouldn't get any worse now, but it did. As soon as I got home and was walking into the house and was closing the door to the hallway I banged my hip on the door and was so upset I just went to my room and started crying about the unfairness of life. And this morning I got up to see that I slept on my neck wrong and it hurts. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

And also......

....I forgot to tell you that......We are coming to the States!!!!!!!!!!! In February and I can't wait!!!!!
I gotta go now, so bye!!!!!


Well hello all! I am doing okay now but earlier I was in tears. I had gotten a 6 in my German dictation which is the worst grade you can get in Germany and a 1 is the best. I'm still getting a 3 in my report card in German, a 2,5 in French (which is by the way my third language that I am learning, so that I soon can add French to my list which contains German and English) and a 2-3 in Geography. I hope that I will get good grades in Math and English and Chemistry, Physics, PE, Computer class and Biology. I hope you all are doing fine and also, my arm is healing (I guess) 'cause it itches a lot. Blgh!!!!! I am glad it is healing but does it really have to itche all the time, I mean really. Well I gotta run! Bye!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey all!!!!

Hello everyone! Well I hope you are doing good. I am all right at this precise moment but my arm has been itching a lot recently, Dad says its healing and I kinda agree with him, but does it have to itch so. It really is annoying. Well gotta go!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


.........hi........ummm.......look I was just bored this evening so yeah.........I thought I'd just post and well.......yup........okay I've posted now.........I'm good..........see y'all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

just wanted to say hi.......

.......well hey all. I hope your doing good. I am all right I guess. I have a German dictation tomorrow the 22nd and am not too thrilled. I mean how can I do it, I write too slow with my left hand. Well yeah, I do write faster than last week, but still...........all right you probably don't want any more bad news so well.........ah, I am going to the doctor in 2 weeks to get a new x-ray of my wrist and then they will tell me the verdict on it. I hope that will suffice as good news till I can post something new. Till then, bye!

P.S. I still haven't got those pics. Sorry.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well I have got a new cast now. Woohoo!!!! It is shorter now. It only goes u to my elbow and it is the same green used by the car company Jaguar for their car. I like it extremely but am still incapable of using my hand so still no violin, fencing, riding, swimming or any kind of exercise.

P.S. I will get back onto y'all with the pics.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Broken bones are REALLY annoying!!!!!!!!!

Well, now that you know what this subject is about, I will tell who has broken a bone. It is ME!!!!!!!! It will be hard to believe at first, but it is true, I have broken my right wrist falling off a horse while riding and it was on Thursday, the 08th, January 2009. A great way to start a year, don't you think so. The horse I was riding supposedly got spooked (I think it just wanted to be mean because it wasn't a nice horse, pony actually, even worse, anyway) and canterd off catching me off balance and I fell onto my wrist. It is not so bad but really aggravating as I am a right-handed and must learn how to write with the left. It is worse than writing at all for me. I certainly do not like it. And I have two exams next week, one in Geography and the second in German. Blgh!!!!!!!! Well, I do hope that you will be having a good rest of a week though. May God bless you and keep you always.

P.S. I will post pictures as soon as possible.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My calander pics for '09

This is my preferred photo for January and it is our dog Peter who is in this photo.

My snowman is for February although we do not often get snow at that time.

This my picture for March. Don't know why, I guess the seal is just cute.

This pic is for April because when the picture was taken it was a teasing fall day that made you think it was warm and it was not.

The May picture.

This is for June because my Mom's birthday is then and she loves horses and these horses are really pretty.

Hello. It's July! Nehhhhgh!!

August because my birthday is in August and this my B-Day cake from '08.


October. (I love this pic. Don't you?)


And last but not least Dcember.