Thursday, November 26, 2009


Well , I really hoped that the next time I blogged was when I had some exciting news or happy news at the least, instead my news is...I broke my toe. I stubbed it on a chair leg and broke it. It is not a huge break, more like a fracture but still, broken is broken! TTFN!!!! (TaTaForNow)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Europa Park!!!

It seems as if every time I check my blog I'm either recovering from an illness or I have one. Right now I'm recovering from a cold. Well last Friday I went to Europa Park and it was awesome. My friend and I rode Silver Star (which has a 80 degree angle drop) twice and we also rode Blue Fire which has two loops and three corkscrews, twice as well. It was very cool. And I wrote my German DVA last week and would have done my Maths DVA this week but I was at home with a cold as I have already said.That be about it for now and sorry that I haven't blogged recently. I'll try to be more constant.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Sorry that I have not written anything for a while. I am now 13 and I just had my birthday party. We also just got back from Italy and Corsica just a few days ago and I also got my ears pierced. I'm so glad we still have 2 weeks till school starts, I don't want to go back to waking up at 6 every morning and all that. I've got to go so, bye for now.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


4th of July!!!! Wow! More than 300 years ago the USA became the USA!!!!! Now that rocks!!!
I hope all will have a wonderful 4th of July!!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Hi all! I don't have much to say really. Just that since I am going through my email and putting labels on stuff I may as well check my blog and make sure that everyone is updated. Gotta go!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Being sick SUCKS!!!!

I got back from my canoe trip 2 weeks ago and got sick! I stayed home for a week. Now I am back to school but still get my sinus headaches. The doctor said that the headaches are allergy induced now, since I still get them. Bah!!!! Gotta run! Bye!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Try this!

Sam's lemonade and frozen sugared mint drink
For the frozen sugared mint you need
mint (how much you need depends on how many you want to have)
2 teaspoons sugar
backing paper
For the lemonade you need
1/2 of a lemon (half a lemon for each cup if your making a lot)
1-2 teaspoons of sugar (depending on how sugary you like it)
sparkling water
You need to start with the mint first for it must be frozen over night
Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar on the backing paper, then wash your mint and place it (still wet!! on the backing paper. Sprinkle then 1 teaspoon of sugar on top on the mint and place in your freezer over night.
You can then start the lemonade that day or the next, it doesn't matter, by pressing the juice out and pouring it into a cup and then adding the sparkling water to the juice. Add 1-2 teaspoons sugar and stir well. When your mint is completly frozen take it out and put it in your lemonade.
Guten Appetite!!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hey y'all! I'm feeling great. A break can do wonders.....Vaden is back from a french exchange program and feeling okay as well, although somewhat tired. I hope that the rest of my break will be good, too. TTFN; Aurevoir; Tchüss; Auf Wiedersehn; Bye!; See you later alligator, after while crocodile.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


It's break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy that we get 2 weeks off!!!!!! And also I got my first cellphone last week and my first pair of rugby boots!!!!! TTFN!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow.......You're always a day away!!!!

Tomorrow is going to be so cool!!!! My class and I are going to Augusta Raurica and dig for artefact's. In case you didn't know, Augusta Raurica is in Switzerland and is a Roman ruin. It used to be a town and you can still see the amphitheater and part of the temple and some bits and pieces of the baths and there is also a Roman bakery where classes sometimes go and learn how to make bread the Roman way. My class and I are going to dig and try to find stuff and if you find jewellery you get your name written in this book and the jewellery may get put on display. I am so excited!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Its almost break again!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy!!! We get out of school in a week from today!!!!!! That's all for now except for the 4- on my math exam :-( but I got a 2 on my French test :-) TTFN or Ta Ta For Now!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tests, Exams, Tests and more Exams

I Do Not Like Tests or Exams!!!
It may be obvious or may be not but it is the truth. I have had a couple of tests and exams recently. Today I wrote my biology exam and got my French exam back, I've got a Math exam, I think, on the 7th of May and a German exam on the 11th. Ugh!!!!!! I miss home schooling. Well some nice news; Vaden has a French exchange student here with us this week and she is very nice....our school is closed Friday and Monday so we have a extra long weekend and on Thursday the 30th, my class and I are going to a concert, with music by Brahms and Mozart. On the 19th of May my class and I are going to Augusta Raurica in Switzerland to do some archaeological digging and it is also my parents wedding anniversary and they are coming with us to the digging. Also, we have another break coming up in a couple weeks. I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summer Sun Poem

Summer Sun

The Summer Sun will be coming soon
And all the world will take on a wonderful hue.
Away with those cold winter days
Where the wind blows any which way,
And give me a year,
Where the Summer Sun is here.
The overcast, dreary autumn days, will be here all too soon,
So enjoy a Summer Sun that is in a sky of blue.
Spring is nice. Correct, that is right.
But, if you like the Sun,
Summer is the only one.

Those winter days are now far, far behind,
so laugh and be happy, with joy in your mind.
Now go! Have some fun!
In the long days of Summer Sun!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hey folks. Sorry that it has been almost a month since I last wrote. Well here is the news...........I'm sick. I don't think it would surprise you though. I have a inflammation of the mucus in my nose and sinuses. I have not gone to school all week because the result of this inflammation is extreme pressure in my forehead. That is to say I get headaches off and on, some stronger than others. Well that should be all. Thanks for listening. Oh joy......I have a headache again.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Well hello! I am here in America now and very pleased with what I is so awesome!!!! TTFN

Friday, February 13, 2009

I forgot to mention....

Sorry, but I forgot to mention that I had a French vocabulary test today. It went fine and I thought I had studied well, too. You see since it was French and it was all in rhymes I could sing it very well when I had the right tune. French is so lovely to sing.

So yes folks, try it today.
Sing some French to pass the time away.
(I just made that up.Hihi:D)

America here we come!!!

I think I have already posted something about us coming to America this February and so I just wanted to say that it is a for sure thing and should be flying in on the 19th.I am so excited!!!!! I just can't wait!!!! I have to go now. Good-bye!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank goodness!

I am so relived to have that cast off now. It was really getting annoying. I still can't do sports like soccer, football, Frisbee or stuff like that but, thankfully we are doing swimming in PE and I can do that, which is so great and it really helps my wrist (like water therapy) because whenever I come out of the water at the pool my wrist is more flexible and it doesn't hurt as much when I flex it. So lets thank God that it is healing and that it should be quite better by the time we leave for the States on the 19th of February. Bye for now!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well what do you know, I got my cast off!!!!!! It was on Wednesday the 4th and I now I can also swim, which is what my class and I are doing in PE but no other sports like basket-ball or water polo or soccer or things like that for two weeks although that is alright by me, just as long as I have my cast off. My wrist is still sore and it hurts if I bend it too far and that is annoying because I still have to be careful even though my dad says (since he broke his hand once before when he was young and knows what to do) that I should use my wrist, it hurts!!! I gotta go now but I will try to post soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well, here it is February and today (Wednesday the 4th) I am going to the doctor's to get a x-ray of my wrist but to do that they will have to cut the cast off and I am a little bit nervous about that because they will have to use a saw. Is that scary or what! Alright then, I guess that was all. Till next post. Good-bye!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life is so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well now that you have seen the title you know what I will post about. So yeah, I have broken my wrist. That's my first unfairity, than I got boiling hot coffee spilled on me at school, and than just yesterday when I went with my mom to a cafe at 4 o'clock and at 5 we went to send a letter I tripped, either on my own feet or on the cobblestones and I scraped my left wrist and banged up my knee pretty bad, I was like, all right, it shouldn't get any worse now, but it did. As soon as I got home and was walking into the house and was closing the door to the hallway I banged my hip on the door and was so upset I just went to my room and started crying about the unfairness of life. And this morning I got up to see that I slept on my neck wrong and it hurts. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

And also......

....I forgot to tell you that......We are coming to the States!!!!!!!!!!! In February and I can't wait!!!!!
I gotta go now, so bye!!!!!


Well hello all! I am doing okay now but earlier I was in tears. I had gotten a 6 in my German dictation which is the worst grade you can get in Germany and a 1 is the best. I'm still getting a 3 in my report card in German, a 2,5 in French (which is by the way my third language that I am learning, so that I soon can add French to my list which contains German and English) and a 2-3 in Geography. I hope that I will get good grades in Math and English and Chemistry, Physics, PE, Computer class and Biology. I hope you all are doing fine and also, my arm is healing (I guess) 'cause it itches a lot. Blgh!!!!! I am glad it is healing but does it really have to itche all the time, I mean really. Well I gotta run! Bye!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey all!!!!

Hello everyone! Well I hope you are doing good. I am all right at this precise moment but my arm has been itching a lot recently, Dad says its healing and I kinda agree with him, but does it have to itch so. It really is annoying. Well gotta go!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


.........hi........ummm.......look I was just bored this evening so yeah.........I thought I'd just post and well.......yup........okay I've posted now.........I'm good..........see y'all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

just wanted to say hi.......

.......well hey all. I hope your doing good. I am all right I guess. I have a German dictation tomorrow the 22nd and am not too thrilled. I mean how can I do it, I write too slow with my left hand. Well yeah, I do write faster than last week, but still...........all right you probably don't want any more bad news so well.........ah, I am going to the doctor in 2 weeks to get a new x-ray of my wrist and then they will tell me the verdict on it. I hope that will suffice as good news till I can post something new. Till then, bye!

P.S. I still haven't got those pics. Sorry.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Well I have got a new cast now. Woohoo!!!! It is shorter now. It only goes u to my elbow and it is the same green used by the car company Jaguar for their car. I like it extremely but am still incapable of using my hand so still no violin, fencing, riding, swimming or any kind of exercise.

P.S. I will get back onto y'all with the pics.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Broken bones are REALLY annoying!!!!!!!!!

Well, now that you know what this subject is about, I will tell who has broken a bone. It is ME!!!!!!!! It will be hard to believe at first, but it is true, I have broken my right wrist falling off a horse while riding and it was on Thursday, the 08th, January 2009. A great way to start a year, don't you think so. The horse I was riding supposedly got spooked (I think it just wanted to be mean because it wasn't a nice horse, pony actually, even worse, anyway) and canterd off catching me off balance and I fell onto my wrist. It is not so bad but really aggravating as I am a right-handed and must learn how to write with the left. It is worse than writing at all for me. I certainly do not like it. And I have two exams next week, one in Geography and the second in German. Blgh!!!!!!!! Well, I do hope that you will be having a good rest of a week though. May God bless you and keep you always.

P.S. I will post pictures as soon as possible.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My calander pics for '09

This is my preferred photo for January and it is our dog Peter who is in this photo.

My snowman is for February although we do not often get snow at that time.

This my picture for March. Don't know why, I guess the seal is just cute.

This pic is for April because when the picture was taken it was a teasing fall day that made you think it was warm and it was not.

The May picture.

This is for June because my Mom's birthday is then and she loves horses and these horses are really pretty.

Hello. It's July! Nehhhhgh!!

August because my birthday is in August and this my B-Day cake from '08.


October. (I love this pic. Don't you?)


And last but not least Dcember.